The theme this year was “Peace of Pie.”
NOBEL PEACE PI(E) AWARD ($50 Certificate)
Round world in our hands.
Three point one four one five nine
Peace as space and time.
Janice Kim
LIFETIME OF PI(E) AWARD (T-shirt + $25)
Three layers of life
The crust, the mantle, the core
The essence of pie!
To share is loving,
While pi numbers never end,
Sadly, not my pie!
Renee Foppe
After two long years
We all agree on one thing:
Pie is wonderful
Ponder a circle:
Walk ‘round its perimeter
End where you began
What splendor is found
When given a chance to eat
My pie piece in peace
Mark Ferrando
PI(E) SQUARED AWARD (T-shirt+ $25)
Somewhere a land only
Serves lemon meringue pie and
The people are friends
Anna Simson
Pi is infinite
If we share bounty of pie
Peace by boundless piece.
Jennie Kadrioski
Last year I won this
Now I need a bigger shirt
Your pies are too good
Stephanie Roza
It’s time for the World
To replace bombs with Peace Pie.
Let’s all have a piece.
Arlyn Serb
Pi Day slice of pie,
steaming out of the oven,
Peace pass that warm pie.
Susan Mcclellan
CHILDREN OF THE PI(E) (AGE 0-12) (T-shirt or Giftcard)
How pie is tasty
How all the flavors combine
How pie can bring peace
Oliver Kadrioski
I am a number
And a food,the sweetness of
Which is iternal
Luka Finley
PI(E) YOUTH (AGE 13-19) (T-shirt or Giftcard)
The best time to bake
March 14 at Nine-Two-Six
Yum, tastes like math puns
Emiliano Sullivan